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Second-Parent Adoption Attorney in Union City, Jersey City and Hoboken, NJ Area
Gay and Lesbian Parents
For all parents, it is important to ensure both of your parental rights are fully protected. We specialize in providing comprehensive services for second parent adoption, catering to the needs of straight heterosexual couples, gay couples, single parents now married, as well as assisting in terminating the rights of absent parents to facilitate step parent adoption for the well-being of the child or children involved.
Even though you may both be on your child's birth certificate, a second parent adoption ensures that your parental rights will be legally recognized in all states. Having both of your names on your child's birth certificate does NOT replace having a Final Judgment of Adoption that declares you both to be the legal parents of your child.
If you're looking for a second parent adoption attorney to help you through your adoption process, contact our attorney at Stephanie A. Sgambati, PC today. We serve Union City, Jersey City, Hoboken, NJ and surrounding areas.
The Second Parent Adoption Process Varies by County
In general, it does require a background check and may require a home study. We will assist with locating a licensed adoption agency to prepare the report for the court to confirm that the second parent adoption is in the "best interest of the child," which is the standard courts use in making determinations regarding children. An appearance in court will be required, but the second parent adoption process is generally much simpler than adoption which involves termination of parental rights.
In addition to second parent adoption, the law office in New York also offers guidance on the Parentage Order process, which offers a faster and easier alternative with similar functionality. This office will assist parents in determining the best course of action based on their individual circumstances.
Finalizing Your Second-Parent Adoption
A second-parent adoption occurs after the birth of your child. When the second parent adoption is complete, the court will issue a Final Judgement of Adoption. Schedule an initial, confidential consultation now with our New York - New Jersey second-parent adoption attorney to review your circumstances and to discuss the anticipated process for you to proceed with a second-parent adoption.